Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Post #107

Your Spicy Score: Mild

You may not make the hottest first impression..
But you're definitely the type of girl that sticks in a guy's mind.

You prefer to play things cool. You know that good things come to those who wait.

And the amazing thing about you is that you get hotter over time!

Your Personality Profile

You are pure, moral, and adaptable.

You tend to blend into your surroundings.

Shy on the outside, you're outspoken to your friends.

You believe that you live a virtuous life...
And you tend to judge others with a harsh eye.

As a result, people tend to crave your approval.

Your Personality at 35,000 Says...

Deep down, you prefer spending time alone to spending time with others. You enjoy thinking more than talking. (arrr...)

You are good with your place in the world. You are confident and comfortable with who you are.

Your gift is relating to other people. You don't hide from your own emotions, and you are good at drawing other people out.

You are inspired by what is possible. Real life is often too ordinary for you.

It's very easy for you to feel happy. You can find peace with any situation.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Post #106

Went to Tesco after my sister finished her ballet trial exam yesterday.
I met my ex-schoolmate at my sister's dance studio,
I think she works as a part time ballet teacher there.
I didn't greet her because I wasn't sure, she just look very familiar to me.
And I don't think she remember me as we were not very close back then,
just hi-bye kinda friend.

So guess what I bought from Tesco?


Love this baby biscuits alot!
Didn't eat since my sister turned one year old..
She is already 11 this year.

I was always the one who finish whole box back then, I eat them as snacks.
My younger sister didn't like it.

"Farley's Rusks are delicious snacks for little children. Farley Rusks are available in 4 exciting varieties, inlcuding the Original, Apple and Banana."
Delicious snacks!
You guys should try, I suggest you buy the Original flavor.

Yum yum!
My sister keep calling me baby when I eat it..

Buy it and Try!
You won't regret.



Sunday, April 27, 2008

Post #105

Went out wit V's classmates yesterday.
P.Ser picked me up at my house around 1:30pm.
We went to Jusco Bukit Tinggi.
I heard it's the largest Jusco in Malaysia and South-East Asia and third largest in Asia..
It's my first time there..

Reached there around 2pm, luckily I didn't fell at the parking lot.
(Ling... you know what I mean right)
The weather was freaking hot yesterday.. (as well as today)

There is a TGV inside.
I love it alot...because
You don't have to queue for 30 minutes to get your ticket on Saturday!
We got out tickets in less than 15 minutes.
We decided to watch The Forbidden Kingdom.

The show is so-so laaa..
But the cinema... is super cold laaa!!
P.Ser and I were freezing inside after 30 minutes the show started.
P.Ser put her hands in her bad.
C.Tong put his under his shirt.
I sat on my hands, my nose turned red and my body shivered for an hour.
Is like watching movie inside a freezer man!

After movie, 4 of us couldn't wait to get out of the cinema.
P.Ser and I rushed to the toilet.
Warm ourselves with the hand dryer.

We spent around one hour in the mall and went back around 5pm.
It was a sunny Saturday.

Walking to P.Ser's car.
-.- <-- look like me hor?

It was a bright sunshiny day, I can't open my eyes while camwhoring outside.

Yesterday's supper and Today's breakfast.

Meet P.Ser.

(L>R) C.Tong and S.Tim

Yours truly.


Thursday, April 24, 2008


P.Yan tagged me!
101 ways to prank your boyfriend and 101 ways to prank your girlfriend..
apa ni.....
I think the person who started this is too free...

So anyways....

1. 接吻时咬他舌头 (by Yeng)
2. 约会迟到两小时 (by Yeng)
3. 打口水战! (by Yeng)
4. 爱理不理(by 雨夜小鬼)
5. 吩咐他去买卫生棉(by 雨夜小鬼)
6. shopping时可以选购衣服考验他的耐性(by 雨夜小鬼)
7. 在他面前和他的好朋友搞暧昧,然后看打架live show(by 雨夜小鬼)
8. 在他跟朋友玩game时要他关掉电脑陪我(by 天使)
9. 故意不要给他牵手,看他难过的样子(by 天使)
10. 叫了食物不要吃,要他吃完(by 天使)
11. 故意不小心叫别人Honey~还要是他最讨厌那个!! (By 瓶主 -Loi-)
12. 几天不接电话,不开门,不理他~ <这个我常常做~~哈哈!!> (By 瓶主-Loi-)
13. 如果他比较爱你,每天平均说一次分手... (By 瓶主 -Loi-)
14. 如果你比较爱他,分分秒秒提醒他你这一生一世粘定他了.... (By 瓶主 -Loi-)
15. 告诉他,我要结婚了~ 但新郎不是你!!! <新郎是Keanu Reeves> (By 瓶主 -Loi-)
16.牵手时把铺满“鼻涕”的tisu塞进他手里,当作“爱的礼物”..(by 鱼鱼)
17.告诉他,我们只是“好朋友”,而不是“男朋友”..(by 鱼鱼)
18.睡觉时,故意把他的被被抢过来盖..(by 鱼鱼)
19.在他的大肚腩上签上大名,代表你是我的..(水墨笔很难洗的)..(by 鱼鱼)
20. 买了‘内在美’请他拿去柜台付钱! (魔羯女)
21. 半夜在枕边磨刀! (魔羯女)
22. 有事没事让他跪榴莲顶菠萝! (魔羯女)
23. 规定他每天要说一句新的爱语 (魔羯女)
24. 每隔一天就要去shopping & Spa,完全要他付钱 (荣希)
25. 当他很『需要性』时,就『吊起来卖』,让他发疯(荣希)
26. 要他每个小时一定要打两通电话报告,不然就马上立刻100%分手(荣希)
27. 要他随时候命,好像7-11,24x7营业,不然后果自负(荣希)
28.吃他的干醋。例如他的妈妈,妹妹,表姐,普通朋友等 (hy) 29.威胁他说再惹你生气的话就把他心爱的收藏品给丢掉。尤其是那些他认为很酷而你却认为很恶心的玩具 (hy)
32. 剃光他的脚毛! ohohoho (magicpaintbrush.blogspot)
33. 不让他看足球赛。(magicpaintbrush.blogspot)

1. 突然间人间蒸发 (by Otaku.Kit)
2. 在车里放臭屁 (by Otaku.Kit)3. 装失忆.... (by Otaku.Kit)
4. 拿虫子去吓她(by 雨夜小鬼)
5. 搔她的痒(by 雨夜小鬼)
6. 买很多很多的钻石"灿"死她~~ <女生很乐意这样被整死吧?!?> (By 瓶主 -Loi-)
7. 给她一张Unlimited金卡爽死她~~ (By 瓶主 -Loi-)
8. 买很大条很大条的金链挂在她的脖子上,累死她 (By 瓶主 -Loi-)
9. 带她去没人的戏院看鬼戏,中途自己悄悄离场.... <后果自负> ( By 瓶主 -Loi-)
10. 在她努力减肥的时候,每天买一大堆巧克力和美食回家..... ( By 瓶主 -Loi)
11.每天告诉她你有多爱她,甜死她..(by 鱼鱼)
12.买许许多多的漂亮衣鞋给她,疼死她..(by 鱼鱼)
14。不要阻止她吃美食,肥死她..(by 鱼鱼 )
15. 带她约会但是同时约了一群女生 (魔羯女)
16. 带她去吃大餐但没带半毛钱! (魔羯女)
17. 告诉她: 你其实不爱女生,只爱男生! (魔羯女)
18. 告诉她: 你爱的其实是她的姐姐、妹妹 (魔羯女)
19. 跟她接吻前,吃很多很多。。。榴莲 (荣希)
20. 要她每天去你家打扫收拾 -365天营业 (荣希)
21. 要她每一天想不同版本的“爱语”,不然就马上『飞掉』她 (荣希)
22. 当她『需要』时,扮的毫无『性趣』 (荣希)
23. 買很多的ice-cream給她吃,讓她變胖~(toc-py.blogspot.com)
25. 要她每天把牛奶当水喝!(magicpaintbrush.blogspot)
26. 在她面前吃榴莲!(magicpaintbrush.blogspot)

I'm gonna tag:

Poh Yeen

Hope you guys will do this tag.


Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Post #103

I got up at 8am to prepare myself to meet P.Ling today.. again...
Went to OUG pasar malan for some reasons...
but stayed there less than 20 minutes.
After that went to Ling went to pass something to her friend in Bandar Utama.
Then we straight headed to The Curve.
We decided to park the car at Cineleisure.
It's my first time to Cineleisure.. HAH!
I'm staying in KL but I never been inside that place before.. not even once!
So my first time to Cineleisure....
Guess what?

I fell down at the parking lot!
I fell on my first step right after I closed the car door!

apa ni.......
I was tripped by something like divider.. (I think it's a divider)
And the most embarrassing part is 3 person saw this incident!
There was a pak cik who was sweeping the floor next to Ling's car,
A security guard in front of us and a young guy behind us....
malu laaaa!

I stood up immediately, giggling with Ling, walked forward without looking back..
I was so embarrassed!!

Walked to The Curve.
Ling and I were so hungry!
We were hunting for food once we reached there and
decided to have our brunch at T.G.I Friday.

Me... -.-"


After brunch we went to Ikea.
Spend few hours inside.
Kepo-ing the place.
I have no idea why we decided to go there..
Why ar P.Ling?

Before we ciao, I had peanut butter waffle!
It's been a while since I had a peanut butter waffle!
yum yum!
Didn't take picture of me eating it as I was busy savoring the taste of the waffle.

That's all!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Post #102

I didn't update my blog for a Week! HAH!
sorry bloggy, I have abandon you for a week..
but Don't blame me k cuz I have nothing to post here.
Life as usual.... Boring!!

Till yesterday, P.Ling and I went to PJ JPJ branch to change our P to CDL.
I lost my P license few weeks ago...
That's kinda sad..
I had no idea where I put it. Couldn't find it.
I seached everywhere in my house, even pockets on my pants.
Just lost it..

I think my P license ran away from home (my wallet)
because the treatment that he (I assumed that my P is a HE) get from his owner is not as good as other P's.
The owner:
doesn't drive around with him, only once a month..
never introduce him with other P's.
always lock him in his room.

Therefor, he decided to run away from me......

SpongeBob wave Goodbye....

So few days before, I went to take Passport size picture for my CDL.
I look very chubby and dark on the picture!
With messy hair somemore!
Look like some girl from village..

Dark, Chubby face, Messy hair...
something like this.. Malu laaa if I post the picture here.

It only took us 10 minutes to change our P to CDL.
We went Mid Valley for breakfast.
Reached MV before 10am.
Most of the shops still havent open yet.
So we had McD for breakfast.

After breakfast, walked around in MV.
I went to try swimsuits, again....
But didn't buy in the end..
sigh.. so hard to find a nice set...

Walked to Gardens..

Went to Art.Friend, Ling and I wanted to look for something.

Spent few minutes inside, didn't get what we want.
Left Art.Friend empty handad and went to Borders.

Camwhore in front of Borders.. =P

Bought two books from Borders
and The Lipstick Chronicles from Popular on last Saturday.
Hope this book is interesting...

That's all for today.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Looks VS Quality

Went to PC fair with sister and her bf.
Sister wanted to get a 4-in-1 printer and I went there to have a look on prices for laptops.
PC fair was crowded as well as Suria.

I wanted to get a Toshiba laptop, but I was thinking of getting it around June.
So once we reached there, we straight headed to Toshiba booth.
I wanted to get myslef a flyer and see those models they shown but what I saw were people's heads and bodies.
*yea.. I'm short -.-"*

We managed to squeez ourselves to a promoter.
He then handed us the flyers and invited us to have a seat.
Before this PC fair, I already surveyed the price and also laptops that I wanted to check out during PC fair.

When promoter asked us what we looking for, I took out a piece of paper from my pocket which is the list of laptop models I jot down few days ago.
Both laptops I like were printed on the flyer too! Cheaper somemore!
I was quite happy laa!

Toshiba Satellite M200-E433 (Navy blue) is RM200 cheaper free 1G RAM & also 4g flash drive.
Whereas Toshiba Portege M600-E310 (white!!!) is normal price but free 4g flash drive.
I love the white one alot because is light (1.89kg) and pretty!
Though is only 13.3" but I think it's only slightly smaller than 15".

When the promoter told me that 13.3" is very small for movies, I didn't believe him loor.
(I'm stubborn, I know)
Sister, bf and also the promoter, 3 of them(!!!) asked me to take a look at 13.3".
To my horror...... *thunder* They are right.
*heart broken*

So sad!

But actually the blue one is better than the white one.
White: Intel® Core™2 Duo Processor T5300 (1.73GHz, 2MB L2 Cache, 533MHz FSB)
Blue: Intel® Core™2 Duo Processor T7250(2.0GHz, 2MB L2 Cache, 800MHz FSB)

See! But the white one is really pretty!
sigh... Why laaa.. pretty outside ugly inside....

Cut the crap, promoter told us the promotion is only for PC fair.
Tomorrow (Sunday) is the last day to purchase it.
I was like WHAT?! I don't wanna buy it first!
But the offer is quite good and I need to talk to daddy too!
So we thanked him and left Toshiba booth.

While looking for HP booth, I collected Asus, Fujitsu and Lenovo flyers.
I wanted to compare them with Toshiba.
I didn't visit Dell, Acer and BenQ (not interested).

Finally we reached HP booth after squeezing and being pushed by people.
HP booth was 2x crazier than Toshiba!
Sooo crowded!
So many people standing there.
Majority of them were just looking at those things they shown without buying/ enquiring.
They just stood there and looked at those things in fornt of them.

My sister raised her hand and shouted the model she wanted to one of the promoters.
He smiled to us at quickly packed for us, I can see that he looked relieved.

I waited them behind of HP booth, comparing those laptops and I found that Asus offered really good deal! But the looks of the laptops are not attracting like Vaio gold (!!!).

We pushed the trolley back to parking lot around 5pm.
Reached home around 6pm.

After dinner talked and showed my dad those flyers I took.
Sis encouraged to buy it on the next day (Sunday).
I compared ASUS with the blue Toshiba I mentioned just now.
Gave up on the white Toshiba. *sobs*

It was quite obvious that Toshiba degin is nicer than ASUS
but [A] quality is slightly better than [T].

Looks VS Quality
So difficult to decide!
I was thinking why [A] laptops look so dull...
How come [A] is not colourful like Vaio/ Dell?

Daddy asked me to get [T] instead of [A] cuz [T] sounds nicer...
WTH......... what is this man.... -.-
Sis, of course asked me to get [A] laaa....
And I decided to buy it on the next day (Sunday).

I couldn't sleep well that night cuz my mind is filled with pros and cons of [T] and [A]



Reached PC fair around 11am.
Not as packed as Saturday because we reached there early.

So this time, we straight headed to ASUS booth.
I was shocked that the price of the ASUS laptop which I compared with the blue Toshiba on Saturday has dropped from RM3299 to RM2999!
I was like SHIT!
Why laaaa.... few hundareds cheaper than the blue [T]!!!
That moment, I felt like my heart got stabbed by a knife!
Super keik sum... because I wanted [T] so badly but [A] is cheaper which make me feel bad if I buy [T].
(I sayang my daddy's money k)
I gave my sis and her bf a sad face.
Both asked me to make decision.

Promoter asked me to hold this [A] to feel the weight.
Well, it's heavy! (I felt kinda happy, HAH)
Then, he asked me to try the other model which is 14", it's lighter then
this 15".
So ok loor, I listened to him, again squeezed myself to get there.
When I saw it... I got another heart attack!
Gosh, Intel® Core™ 2 Duo Processor 2.2GHz, 800MHz FSB with 2G RAM. (after free upgrade)
The previous one and the blue [T] only 2.0GHz with only 1G RAM. (after free upgrade)
This [A] is expensive than the blue [T] and heavy [A] but it's really worth buying.
It was clear that [T] is out of my list.
So sad...

I was standing in front of the lighter [A] for few minutes, couldn't let go of [T].
Wanted to get [T] but it's not as good as [A].
This time, I saw a limited edition White [A] next to the light [A].
Price: RM3988,with only 2.0GHz with only 1G RAM.
Light [A] specifications are better than this chic looking white [A].
But White [A] is so chic and stylish!
White with leather somemore!
At that moment, I have completely forget about blue [T]!

The promoter asked us to have a seat inside.
Sister told me that white laptop gets dirty faster and the leather might turn yellowish.
I kinda agree with my sister.
15 minutes later, I decided to go for quality not looks.
I have chosen the light [A] instead of blue [T] and white [A].

I saw a guy behind me buying the white [A].
I don't think it suits a guy.
It looks quite gay on a guy.
Maybe he bought it for his gf/ sister la...

Back home around 1pm.


It's great that I have chose quality instead of looks.
Inner beauty is always better than external beauty.
External beauty won't last forever.

That's all

Saturday, April 12, 2008


Yes! Yes! Yes!
You're reading my 100th blog post!
This is the 100th blog post!
*Throw confetti*

I used to have Myspace and Xanga.
(Do you know that?)
Well, I won't blame you if you dunno because I update it once a month.
So it's consider a GREAT news that this Blogger has 100 posts.


Happy 100th post!
*Throw confetti* again
*Cheers* (!!!)


Wednesday, April 9, 2008

It's About Time

I'm so bored at home, I have nothing to do.
Having the same routine everyday is boring.
I realized that staying at home, doing nothing, without execersing..
one day I'd gain weight or have constipation.
Therefore I started to play hula hoop everyday from 3pm-4pm since last week.

I have nothing better to do besides online.
But unfortunately, I found that the internet is boring recently as I have nothing to google.

So, I finally(!!!) decided to watch the Japanese drama series
which cousin V gave me since last year (one week after STPM).
I was overwhelmed when I got those series because the story is sooo interesting!
All detective stories k!!!
Maybe you should be wondering why I kept it for so many months without watching it.
Cuz I have this bad habit that I will only watch(whatever series) when I feel like watching it.
For some reasons, which I really don't know, I just don't have the feel towards those series she gave. BUT I was excited when she passed them to me k.

There are 3 series she gave: Galileo, Kurosagi and also Tantei Gakuan Q.
In the afternoon, I watched the First episode of Galileo.
Then I watched and 2nd and 3rd in the evening.
Reason I chose to watch Galileo first is because the main character is
Masaharu Fukuyama (福山雅治)!! ahahaha!!

This show is about Kaoru Utsumi, a rookie detective, and Manabu Yukawa, a university associate professor, and they solve mysterious ( supernatural phenomenons) cases.

After Galileo I'm gonna watch Tantei Gakuen Q.

I have watched the anime before. And I love it!
I only watch 2 anime, Tantei and Detctive Conan

This is the Tantei Gakuen Q tv series which I'm gonna watch after I finished Galileo.
Tantei Gakuen Q is story of a group of young students from Class Q of DDS a prestigious
and renowned detective academy founded by Morihiko Dan, the most famous detective in Japan, and the adventures and mysteries they unfold and solve together.

I google-ed Kurosagi an hour ago and I found it's not as interesting as both series I mentioned just now. So I think I'm gonna watch it when I finished Prison Break 3.

I have downloaded this series since last year, before I finish STPM.
and guess what, I have only watched 2 episodes.


because I ate too much of.......

That's all!
P.S: I have spent more than 3o minutes to edit this post! ARGH~!!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Random Facts about ME

1. My name is Hui Yen.
2. Full name is.. . . ... Not gonna tell you here, Find out yourselves. =P
3. I was born on 24-7-1988. So buy me presents on 24/7.
*eyebrows go up and down*
4. My feet sizes are 4 (Vincci Shoes). My cousin says that shoes with size 4 are not shoes.
She can't accept the fact that there are people still wearing size 4 and
she thinks that size 4 is for kiddo...
5. I'm gonna be 20 soon and I still don't know how to bike and swim.
6. I have been asking myself to go for yoga classes since 16, now I still do.
7. I have 2 sisters. One is 5 years older than me & another one is 9 years younger than me.
8. I call my father Daa-daa-deee.
9. Hillary Duff's Metamorphosis and JJ's Heaven are the only original CDs I own.
10. When I want something from my mom, I call her MeeEEee~
11. My family used to call me Jingle Bell.
12. I love dark chocolates and I don't eat milk chocolates.
13. I have no idea why people love cheese tarts and cheese cakes, I don't eat cheese!
14. The only comic I read is Detective Conan.

15. I started to eat vege this year, around March.
16. I have two cousins (V & J) who are same age as me.
V is the daughter of my mom's older sister
whereas J is my dad's younger brother's son.
Get me? LOL! Both are few months younger than me!
17. I'm 2cm taller than my elder sister. *proud*
18. I love half boil egg yolk.
19. I eat Nasi Lemak without sambal and chilis.
20. I always wanted the soup of my instant noodles is made of half-boil egg yolk.
Instant noodles cover by egg yolks, yum yum~
21. I'm a peanut butter freak. I eat it by the spoonful.
22. I take less than 20 minutes to shower.
23. Chocolate cakes make me sick, sometimes.
24. Lollipops, Candies and Sweets are what I loathe. I used to like them when I was a kid.
25. I seldom listen to radio.
26. Roti Canai, Roti Telur/ Telur Planta are the only mamak food I’d order if I go Mamak.
27. I have only been to KTV once. I didn’t sing, I ate and camwhored.
28. Mandy Moore's Only Hope and Cry are the only songs I listen to a gazillion times.
29. I'm a sucker for potatoes, sushi and black pepper.
30. I have only been to BERJAYA Times Square (not the NY T.S) once,
which was in 2005 with school to watch some IMAX shows.
31. I never been to Sungai Wang with friends.
I’ve only been there less than 5 times, each time less than 1 hour with family.
32. Slim, handy, light and not bulky Gadgets will get my attention.
33. To be honest, I don’t really like Mamak stalls.
34. The Samsung I’m using now is my 2nd phone.
35. P.Yan and I graduated from the same Kindergarten, Primary and Secondary school.
36. I love wearing shorts but I hate hot pants.
37. Hello Kitty was my favorite cartoon before it gets popular.
38. Clumsy and forgetful, I am.
39. White is my favorite colour, since 2006.
40. I don’t like milk.
41. I have names for all my toys but I have forgotten all.
42. My handwriting is horrible.
43. I enjoy playing with Hula Hoop!
44. No piercings, no tattoos on my body. I’ve never pierce my ears before.
45. I always smell the apple before I eat it.
46. Chicken McNugget is my favourite fast food.
47. I’m Poc.
48. I’ve never been to night club.
49. My first pair of spectacles was black.
50. I created this blog because I was attracted by the blog page designs of other bloggers.

That's all

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Imagine . . .

Remind you of John Lennon's song?

I'm bored!
Since I have nothing to do

So, Let's imagine....

I decided to go clubbing with friends this weekend...
Surprise! surprise!
H.Yen is going clubbing whey!


I never been to any clubs before, I don't like that kinda place.

I'm gonna wear something like this.
No skimpy/ slutty outfits. Ewwww!!!

I'm not gonna shake my butt on the dance floor.
I don't dance, I don't drink.

What am I gonna do there?

I will have a glass of soft drink/ juice.
No alcohol please..
and sit there and sip my drink whole night!!

So boring.....

Maybe camwhore with friends and watch people dance.
not happening hor
(I think those clubbing kaki/ clubbers will laugh at me if they read this.)


You see a piece of RM5000,000 cheque lying on your computer desk..

Will you be happier that you are RM5000k richer?
How would you spend it?

What am I gonna do with the cheque?
Am I gonna buy a big mansion with swimming pool and have a luxury lifesyle?

No Way!! No way!!
In fact, I don't think I can purchase a mansion with RM5000k. It's not enough..

1st i'm gonna save it in a bank.. keep and get bank interest.
Let's do the maths.
5000,000 x 3% / 12 = RM12500 per month!
I can sit at home and shake my leg on the couch 24/7!

OK, so

I'm gonna spend RM1 million for house+funitue+renovations.
Not gonna buy a mansion, perhaps a semi-D?
as long as it's big enough to fit 5 people and have a garden la.

Next, Buy a land rover for dad and small car for myself.
My family loves SUV.

Make a donation.
Buy a shop and have a business.
Earn money from business for living and bank interest for travelling!
ngek ngek ngek
makan/ minum with friends all.. next time la.

I'm so evil~

ok.. DREAM ON!!
it's too early to daydream...


There is no crime, no baddies, no wars, no drugs in this world
and If everyone cared about the earth..
Maybe there won't be any natural disasters.
No one suffers, no scary diseases spreading around.
Everyone lives happily ever after like prince and princess in the fairy tales.
so peaceful^^

Do you think this will ever happen??

If i'm still learning ballet, didn't quit when I was young...
Maybe I would have a better walking posture.
I would be taller than 5' 1", who knows?
yea... 5' 1" is my height laaa, stop guessing k.

I love ballet alot!
Regretted quitting ballet, really.


Ok, I better stop dreaming and do something else.