Sunday, November 29, 2009

Let’s Go Cycling!

I’m disappointed this morning cuz I got ditched by my sister. sigh… I’m not feeling sad though, I guess I kinda immune to it already as this is not the 1st time that she ditched me for him. I’m disappointed cuz she did it AGAIN.


Anyway, notice the title of this post? Haha!
Guess what, I CAN RIDE A BIKE!!
(now if I can just learn how to swim)

Say hi to this cool baby!
Dad bought us a new bike! Looks cool right?

This is the original look of the bike.
(Different colours)
We added a basket and two fenders.

Sis and I actually wanted a pink bike like this:
So prettay and sweet and lovely!!

However, it’s sooo hard to find a baby pink bike, most pink bikes are in darker pink or florescent pink or metallic pink. So I went google for LeRun website cuz we are gonna get a bike from there as the shop is just nearby my house. And I found this:

I think it looks pretty cute, the brown colour makes the bike look vinatge. However, this bike is not available in the outlet. uhuk uhuk uhuk So we got this silver-grey mountain bike instead. I’m still happy okay! I spent the whole morning learning how to ride, I started with a kiddo bike which my dad brought it back from his workshop yesterday. It’s actually my 15-year-old cousin’s hand-me-down. I spend one hour riding that kiddo bike and another one hour riding the new bike. And after the two hours of practicing, my butt hurts and I got blister on my right palm cuz I grasped the handle too hard! HAH!

Anway, my hard work has paid off, I CAN finally RIDE A BIKE! Two hours of scarification is so worth it! I was extremely happy when I was able to ride smoothly on the ground as the new bike is quite big and heavy to control. Hmmm… I wonder why I couldn’t ride when I was at Bkt Cahaya with my friends, perhaps the road was too steep for a beginner like me? Meh.

Cycling here I come! ohohoho!
Ahh! My ass still hurts laaa! Don’t care la!


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Saturday, November 28, 2009

I Desperately Need a Part Time job

Hmmm… I guess my blog is dying. HAH! I have nothing to blog about, my sem break is so bored!! I’m so jealous that P.Ling went on a road trip to Malacca with her course mates. I’m JEALOUS! It would be really nice if mom allowed me to go for a vacation with my friends. Byebye Singapore trip! *sobs*


Anyway, I went shopping with P.Ling on Thursday. It was fun and crazy and the weather was effing HOT! Both of us were sweating like a pig in the car! I wore a black tank top and shorts that day, so whenever I got out of the car, I felt my skin burning! It was sooo HOT!

White formal pants I regretted letting go.
Sigh.. always liddat.

We went to the bigbadwolf book sales at Amcorp too. Books are really cheap, going for RM5, RM8 and RM10. ohohooh! I bought 6 books for only RM48! My English is deteriorating!! It’s time to improve!!

I guess that’s all for now cuz I have no idea what to write. I think I will go read now cuz I need to finish reading the book I already started before I read the new one! I feel like stop reading that book already cuz the story is kinda boring and I still have 18 more chapters to go! Ahhh!!


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Sunday, November 22, 2009

Lazy to Title This Post

I was forced to wake up early to follow my family to BuJal (It’s how my family referred to Bukit Jalil Park) this morning. It’s been 2 years since my last visit, nothing different though. My family and I used to go there every weekend but stopped after awhile cuz we got lazy (HAH!) and dad sometimes work on weekends.

I walked around and played with the exercise equipments at the park, especially the monkey bar, which helps to correct my posture. I had no energy to run cuz I was sleepy and hungry! I didn’t eat as I was late.

Look at my pimple face and dark circles around my eyes.

The weather was not good, quite cloudy and cold.
And it was drizzling when we left the park.

We went to the Cadbury warehouse’s sales before lunch. If you’re a choc lover, you should go, really worth going.

Some of the choc we bought, there are more in another box.
Most of them are belong to my dad. He loves choc a lot. Look at the amount of choc he bought, I guess he is gonna gain weight. HAH!


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PS: I think I need a pair or running shoes.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Happy and Proud

UPSR result is out today! I was so kan cheong in the morning.
I asked my sis to call us once she received the result, but she didn’t.
She wanted to give us a surprise.

I waited her back home from school, once she reached home:

Me: Eh! Eh! 点样?? *very nervous*
Sis: 你猜!!
Me: Err, errr… 六个A’s?
Sis: 唔系..
Me: 七个??
Sis: Yes! YES!!
Me: Omg! OMG!!

Then, the both of us started screaming and jumping together!! HAHAHA!

My sister got 7A's!!!

We had pizza for dinner to celebrate. Her favourite.
Heee! I’m so happy for her! AHAHHAAH!
Congratulations sis!!
I'm soooooo proud of you!!


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Wednesday, November 18, 2009

A Quick One

Here’s a quick update about me. (Man… I dunno how to start, cincai laa k)

I went to IOI to watch 2012 and also catch up with Jab, S.Yee, H.Chee (and her bro). Nice meeting H.Chee and Jab after so many months! They didn’t change much. H.Chee is still so funny! HAHA! H.Chee’s face is slightly chubbier, but don’t worry, you still looks pretty k! Jab looks fairer!!

Me . Chee . SYee . Jab
Pic taken with my hand-me-down phone.
Quality ok hor?

I’m gonna talk about the cinema. Grrrrr! Damn geram! We went to the new wing cinema cuz is new, so it’s better than the one at the old wing. However, there was this group of annoying students kept making irritating noise throughout the movie. Effing irritating!

So the movie… I guess you already know what’s the movie about. I think this movie is so-so la, is all about the journey to the ship. Rich people and smarties get to live. Poor and average people have only less than 30% to survive. Money is everything.

I wanna stop now. Gotta go watch the Korean series, You’re Beautiful!
I finally got it from my cousin on Sunday!


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Saturday, November 14, 2009

Goodbye New RingRing

If you read my blog, you should know that I’ve been looking for a suitable phone to replace my OLD Samsung for ages. I always tell my friends that I need a new phone, I wanna change my phone. So two weeks ago, I finally decided to get this:

I like it cuz it’s stylish and thin. I already asked my sis to help me get it 2 weeks ago cuz I seldom go out mah. But she told me she is not free, so I told her on Monday, that I will go to the mall with her on Sunday to get this phone.

I’m happy and look forward for that day cuz I’m getting something new!!! (although is not an Apple/ a Berry) I happy and excited until I saw her came back with her new touch screen phone……………. T.T

Her bf bought her a new phone!!! WTH! Which means that she is gonna pass this:

to me/ little sis! Sigh. She decided to pass it to my lil sis, but lil sis is only 12 and she is rough. Lil sis drops her plastic Nokia all the time, so giving her that phone isn’t a good idea, plus I think the phone which I wanted to buy has the similar function, just that the design is more stylish than my sis’s 1.5-year-old phone. I was like.. Hmmm, why should I buy a new one when I already had a similar one at home?

As a good and thrifty and kiamsap daughter (AHEM!!) and a good sister (AHEM!!) I decided to take my sis’s old phone. (Konon-nya busy to help me buy phone, she already knew that I'm gonna take it)

Goodbye new RingRing.
Hello hand-me-down phone.

Save money for a better phone next time.


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Friday, November 13, 2009

Untitled (I'm too Lazy to Think of One)

I miss my blog, I didn't update my blog for one week. haha! I have nothing to blog about, my holidays are boring..

Anyway, I've been M.I.A from Facebook and MSN recently. You seldom see me online. When I sign in my MSN, I reply your message few hours late OR I don't even reply your message.
The reason why I've been M.I.A is

I bought it on Wednesday and have been playing it since that day. Very addictive. I love-hate this game. Love it because you can visit other sims' houses and explore the town, customize all your furniture (colour and materiel). I hate this game because it can only focus on ONE household, if you decide to change your active household, your current sims will lose the wishes you promised to fullfill.

I play it on my laptop, hence the game run SLOW..... sigh.

My sims and his house.
Cantik tak?

Kla, that's all for now.
Dinner now, sims3 later!


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Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Rotting at Home

Have you ever quit your job after one day of working?

I did.

I did it yesterday.
In fact, I quit after few hours of working.

I'm still looking for part time job.
Few days ago, my friends offered me a well paid event job
but i rejected.

Look for me if you need part timer!


Say hello to Bit Bit? CubeBit? CubeBit the Rabbit?
I'm effing bored.


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Monday, November 2, 2009

That Was Humiliating!!

I feel insulted!! ish ish!!
You fatty!
Discriminate part timers and humiliated me!!
RM5 per hour is effing too much??!! WTH la!
I guess you're still living in your dinosaur world!

I'm not desperate for a job okay!!!

(ok, I'm lying..)


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A Very Random Post

Banana-banana sekalian, I guess you need someone to translate this for you. HAH!


哎哟! 我很闷啊!! 我就这样,坐在电脑面前几个小时了。我的Playlist 的歌听了几十篇,不断地重复。Sien lor 。我觉得很矛盾咯!读书时就想放假, 放假时想去上课。。。apa laaaa 。。。

平时爱Google的我,现在闷到都不知道要Google 什么。Sigh。。没想到我闷到这个程度!哈哈哈!! Eh,原来用华语Blog也不错哩!哈哈哈!虽然是慢了点,可是很好玩一下。一下罢了!=P!)

正在阅读 M.Albom 的For One More Day。其实我在几个月前就开始读这本书了,因为short sem,要赶assignment所以没时间。现在很得空,可是没有那个reading mood。宁愿坐在电脑前,听歌,看电脑,不断地发白日梦。。偶尔读几个chapter,然后又继续发白日梦。我记得我花了几个月的时间才把 Tuesday With Morrie 读完。哈哈!可能这两本没有The Five People You Meet in Heaven 好看吧, 因为如果一本书好看,我可以在一或两天内看完。其实我还有一本也是读到一半的,Everyone Worth Knowing, 不同的作者。这本是在当我觉得For One More Day很闷时开始的。哈哈!

我有很多书很想买来看,可是我和姐姐在上次MPH Sales 时买的书都还没看完。。一定要看完才买, 不然我觉得浪费。哈哈!她买的书到现在都还没看,买了很多,可是才看了一两本。。。 apa laaa. 我宁愿她给我那些钱买我要看的书咯。

哇!讲讲下就讲到阅读了。。有点离题。呵呵!!哇!而且我这次的华语post很长一下!哈哈!*faster clap hands* 这次用中文blog, 发觉我的汉语平音退步很多,还好有看华文报,不然华语一定退步很多。

Kla, I better stop here.


PS: Sorry gals, for being irresponsible for making the last min decision.

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