Monday, May 5, 2008

Tag !!!

What is the most important thing in your life?
Hmm.. Other than parents, love and friends...
If you ask me this 10 years ago, I would answer you My toys, especially the Cinderella playhouse! Believe it or not, I used to think that if *touch wood* anything happen to my house, I'm gonna carry the playhouse and my piggiebank.

But now I would say that my laptop and internet! I spend more than 6 hours in front of my laptop surfing the net.

What is the last thing you bought with your own money?
Lemme think, peanut butter waffle I bought last week.
Or erm few books I bought weeks ago.

Where do you wish to get married?
No idea... never thought of it before.
Ok I'm gonna think of it tonight when I'm rolling on bed.

How old do you think you'll be permanently owned by your lover?
No idea...
Does anyone want to owe me??

Are you in love?
Shy laaa... ><

Where was the last restaurant you had dinner?
Oversea Restaurant with family and relatives on Sunday.

Name the latest book you bought.
Latest bookS I bought are Acting Up and My Sister's Keeper.

I'm still reading Acting up, few more chapters to end that book. Regretted buying it cuz it's a modern version of Pride and Prejudice I seriously don't feel like reading it anymore...

What is your full name?
H.Yen. That's all you need to know.
Ask me!

Do you prefer mother or father?
Hmmm I love them both.
I think I prefer my father.
Hee Hee.

Name a person that you really wish to meet in your real life for the first time.
A Genie!!
Grant me wishes!
Lotsa wishes!

Christina or Britney?
None of them!

Do you do your own laundry?
Yea.. some.

The most exciting place you want to go?
The Ancient World!!

Hugs or Kisses?
How about cuddle?

Point out 5 things about the person who tagged you.
The person who tagged me is a Girl

Smart (very smart..........!!!)
Loves piano
Loves basketball

8 things I'm passionate about
Collectibles (bearbrick and other Japanese egg toys)

Peanut Butter
Polly Pocket (Bluebird Toys one)
Sophie Kinsella's books

8 things I say too often
Apa laaa
U arr

8 books I've read recently
The Lipsticks Chronicles (boring)
P.S I Love You
*I don't read so often*

Acting Up (reading)
The Sister's Keeper (gonna read after fin Acting Up)

8 songs I could listen to over and over again
Cry- Mandy Moore
Only Hope- Mandy Moore
That's all I think.

Currently addicted to:
Teardrops on My Guitar- Taylor Swift
Bleeding Love- Leona Lewis
No Air- Jordin Sparks ft Chris Brown

8 things I learnt last year
Last minute study= shitty results
Getting more familiar with Photoshop

I dunno laaaa!
It's like 4+ months ago! 127 days!
I can't remember laaa.

8 people you tag
Poh Yeen
Le Xin
Pei Ser
Whorever wanna do this tag.
That's all I think, JY already tagged most of them.


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