Thursday, September 18, 2008

Tortoise Shell

I have 5 hours break on every Wednesday.
So today, I brought my lappie to college..
But Guess What?!?!?

I didn't use it...

because I didn't bring my battery....


Nah!! Just joking laaaa!
I did bring my lappie to college and I used it k!
and in fact I looked like a ninja turtle today.
As I put it inside the school bag I use since form3,
and carried it everywhere I go..

Really look like this k!

It was freaking heavy looor...
Having shoulder ache now.

bla bla bla
yadda yadda..

I dunno what to write anymore laaa
Show you THE ONLY picture I took with my webcam
while online-ing at the college cafe this afternoon..

with SY's and YW's fingers...

That's all laa
Gonna bed soon


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