Friday, December 31, 2010

The Last Post in 2010

I think this is gonna be a long post cuz I realize I have quite a lot to write. So, beware ar, this post might be long and wordy. Hmmm, maybe I will upload some pics laa so that you won’t fall asleep. (Like I have many readers reading. HAH!) So, Let’s start! Haaaha!

Cheap Labour Journey Ended

So, my cheap labour journey has finally come to an end. (Thankfully Msia won Indon last night) Since today is a public holiday, so yesterday was my last day of being a cheap labour. Haha! Of course I’m feeling happy but yet a tad sad too cuz I’m gonna say hi to assignments and FYP!! I duwanna think about that, makes me emo only. wth! LOL!

I was so surprise yesterday was actually my last day working here. I only get to confirm the holiday when I was on the way to office. I didn’t dress up nicely yesterday, I wore a very casual top and I brought lunch to office!!! S.Yee and I planned to dressed up nicely and have lunch with them today and we even planned to buy them something to show our appreciation. Our plan tak jadi and my hair was messy and my outfits were very casual, to sum it all: I look ugly on pictures. HAHAHA!

We had lunch in office and my supervisor ajak us to stay for dinner with her. So, she treated me and S.Yee dinner and we took lotsa pictures! This is what happened when girlssss went out together.

So, this internship I’ve:

- Gained weight. My arms and thighs got bigger! They are so huge now compared to few months ago! T__T
- A very healthy life. I sleep before 12am and wake up early every day! Haha!
- Slightly improve my BM. I speak BM with other staffs every day!
- Learned something from the office. Some working ethics and a lil this and that.
- Got to know some of the roads in Damansara
- Seen many, many, luxury cars like Bentleeey, MiniCs and Hummies


I’m Still a Baby Girl

Ivy texted me this morning, invited me to join 3 guys to go on a 3D2N trip to Penang from Sunday to Tuesday. I was sooooo tempted to go, cuz

- I always wanted to go to Penang.
- It’s been ages since I’ve been there. I think the last time I visited Penang is when I was 6 years old, or younger.
- Penang = a food heaven!! How can I not go there?!!

I was really excited and happy Buuuut I can’t confirm with her cuz I still need to go through the most important stage- getting permission from my parents, especially my mom. Yes, I’m 22 and I still need their permission.

So I asked my mom at night, and… sigh…. she said no. Expected. I told her there will be THREE guys on road with us, so there are guys with me, all taller and bigger than me, and one of them is driving. But mom just kept quiet, when I asked again, she just answered no. Sigh! Then… my eyes started getting watery.

So I went up to my room and wiped off my tears and my little sis asked my mom again, my mom said cannot and she doesn’t trust Sean’s driving skill. Ahhh!!! Yooor, so does that mean that my future husband or bf needs to go through a driving test besides going through the tradition family meeting session? =___=

I don’t know laaa, I’m 22 already. I don’t know when I can only go on a trip without any family members, nor teachers….. There was only ONE time that I got to go to Genting with friends. Parents only said yes after I cried and tripped and fell and bang my face on floor and got a huge bruise on my face. SWT or not! So, do I need to repeat this again, like getting a huge bruise on my face, so they can say yes and lemme go Penang with Ivy and friends? T______T

Tell me how I can convince my parents, especially my mom. Otherwise, no one is gonna invite me for trip anymore. T______________T


New Year

Yayyy! I’m going out soon, to welcome year 2011 with my family in Bangsar!
So, Happy Year 2011 people!
May 2011 bring us joys, happiness, good health and prosperity!
May all my wishes come true!! Hahaha!


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Sunday, December 12, 2010

I Love Sundays

I’m officially B R O K E !!!
I want my money back, can?

Ka-Ching ! Ka-Ching ! Ka-Ching !

I spent a lot this week! I didn’t bring lunch to work so I’ve been having my lunch outside and I went out quite often this week, and… and I just bought a 500gb external hard disc from PC fair yesterday. A glossy red one!

Some of the pics we took there.
I hate my hair.


Parents went to have lunch with my relatives this afternoon but sis and I didn’t join cuz both of us were being lazy. Sunday is the ONLY day for me to sleep and wake up naturally without alarm, so there is NO WAY I will sacrifice sleep over a lunch with relatives! Muahahahaa!
I couldn’t find any instant noodles in the kitchen cabinets, so my sis asked me to make fried rice but I don’t know how to make fried rice plus there was no left over rice. Then sis suggested making butter shrimp cuz we found shrimps in the fridge and SYee told me that butter shrimp is not difficult to cook. So I went google for the recipe.
I found the easiest way to make
1. Melt Butter
2. Add black pepper
3. Add shrimps and stir them
4. Gao dim!

Look easy right? So I follow these steps but I boiled the shrimps before I melt the butter cuz the shrimps were frozen.

My way
1. Boil shrimps
2. Melt butter
3. Add black pepper
4. Add half cooked shrimps
5. Stir them
6. Gao dim!

And obviously…. I FAILED BADLY laaaa!!
I thought after the butter melted will become creamy, something like the carbonara sauce. Obviously they added Milk or cream laa! Yoor, why am I so dumb. =.=”

My fried eggs taste look and taste normal but My butter shrimps taste like奶油虾.

It tastes like milk and looks so oily!!
Sigh! sigh!

But sis and I finished it too, no choice la, we don't wanna waste food.
My lil sis is always the best!! I once made mashed potatoes 2 years back, and she finished it with me although it tasted awful. Ahah!

Imma bad cook.


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Saturday, November 27, 2010

Cheap Labour Day-27

I had a very intense yet funny conversation in car with Y.Wen and S.Yee today. It’s about our internship and I even screamed in car. Hahaha! *OMG why am I so sam pat*

After the conversation, I decided to write about the good side of my company cuz I’ve been whining and complaining about it on previous posts. Haha! Although I don’t really like working here, but I can’t deny the fact that I’ve learned something from the company.

First, I’m gonna talk about my duties here. Big companies have many functional departments and each functional department will have a few sub-departments. My friend, who is working in a AP department which is a sub-accounting department in a big company. So her duty is all related to accounting or to be specified AP. However small company like the one I’m working now, does not have so many departments. My supervisor is handling the company accounts as well as HR. Although my position at my company is a Jr. Acc. Asst. but instead of doing accounting works, sometimes I also help the QS staffs and also the designers, so from here I have a chance to kepo other fields. Filing is what I do most of the time. Some of you may look down on this job but I think the process of filing documents is actually very important to a company. I learn how to organize and manage documents efficiently, so you don’t have to waste time looking for it when you need them immediately.

Besides, I can improve my Malay speaking in the company. After working in this company, I realize this language is quite important especially if you’re working in Malaysia cuz some Malays does not understand English well, so you have to communicate in malay with them. 80% of the staffs in the company are Malays, so I speak malay with them most of the time. I realize my malay speaking is really suck, there is a very, very funny incident. Ahhaha! One day, SYee and I were having lunch with a malay colleague. She was asking me how I brush my teeth, so I was explaining to her that besides using toothbrush, I also use a tiny brush which looks like a baby milk bottle brush. So I said “I guna itu brush macam brush untuk cuci……..” Then I paused for few seconds cuz I forgot what is BABY in Malay. Then when I wanted to say BAYI, I heard myself uttered the word BABI instead of BAYI. “……….. susu bottle baBi” Then the three of us burst out laughing. It was really embarrassing whey!!!

Although my company does not have a big pantry room but there is a cabinet which has unlimited choices of drink you want, as long as you bring your own mug laa. My boss is actually quite nice to workers, colleague told me he sometimes treat them meals and he treated them buffet during Raya. And last week, he treated each and every one of us a cup of Starbucks.

Oh, and … and… my company is located at Sri Hartamas, so I get to see lotsa nice carsssss and cute guys every day!!! Ahahaha!! *droooools* I can easily spot a L.Rover or R.Rover, Hummer and there are so many BMWss, Mazdass, Cooperss and ahhh too many to list. Hahahha! And I get to see Gweilo jogging every morning and evening, and cute guys in the mall. Ahahah!! Heaven~~~


So, my company is not that bad after all and I’m kinda “immuned” to everything I dislike there already. Hahahaha! But if you ask if I would like to work there next time, I would say No, cuz the place is too far from my home and the job is quite boring. Hahaha!

Okay, that's all for now.
Off to watch Fringe now!

Oh! I’m going shopping and watch HP 7 tomorrow!!! Wheee~


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Thursday, November 18, 2010

Cheap Labour Day-18

I’m totally knackered! T____T

昨天知道我的supervisor会从今天一直到星期六请假没来上班,我和SYee 都很高兴,因为觉得比较轻松嘛。Haha!


首先,公司的电话突然坏了!! 那时候,我很Panic!因为Receptionist 今天也是 on leave. 所以我和SYee决定轮流坐counter。我接了几通电话后,电话突然sott了。我很panic啦,我怕他们把错来在我身上因为intern好欺负嘛。所以趁老板还没回来之前,我把这件事告诉一个不是很有power的员工(MsU)其实我也想找个有power的员工可是我没得选,因为公司那时只有她, 而且有power的一定会赖我。

告诉MsU之后,也没用,(都说明了没power,这么样会有用叻)然后就call我的supervisor。 她叫我们去检查cable.可是cable也没问题,唯一的办法就是打去问那位请假的receptionist。当我跟她讲到一半时,这时候我和SYee最讨厌的MissAm既然来了!!! 天啊!!!我们之前还很高兴,以为她今天也请假!可是我们都高兴得太早了!! 

当MsU见到她时,MsU就告诉她有关电话的问题。MsAm也没理会。 Grrrrrr!!! 我和SYee为什么这样讨厌他是因为她“洗人不用本”什么都吩咐我们做。 Example, 每当有人离开坐位,可是手机突然响,MsAm会叫我们去接。那手机才离她几步而已,难道他不能接吗?而且,么次都叫我们帮他拿这个那个的,而且还要帮他的Junior拿东西,我不和你计较,因为我可以运动,你就坐在你的位置增肥吧。Hmmph!!? 我最不能忍的是,你既然叫SYee帮你做跑腿???!! 你画图,叫她从公司塞车塞到那个地方帮你的那位Junior拿东西,然后又没教人正么样从那个地方回来, 而是叫SYee问那里的人,请问你把interns当成什么??? 我们的车油不用钱吗?我们的时间不珍贵吗?我们享受塞车吗?Argh!! 她真的很令我们讨厌!!

Oh,离题了,回来吧!! 哈哈!电话后来又响可是我们也没理,既然MsAm也没理会, 我们也没办法。 就这样一直等到我和SYee最期待的午餐时间。 哈哈!今天的午餐超期丰富!! 多谢SYee从家里带来的咖哩鸡, 我都吃得又爽又饱。哈哈哈哈!! 谢谢SYee!!就当我们吃完,准备要休息时,突然看见我们的老板回来了!! 天啊!!!我们又高兴得太早了!! 虽然我们的老板才31岁,可是,我不觉得他很亲切。在这间公司呆了三个星期,我跟他讲不到10句话。哈哈哈哈!而且当我遇到他时,我有点尴尬+怕。哈哈哈哈!于是,当他叫SYee拿东西给他是,我就顺便跟SYee进他的房,然后跟他说有关电话的事。

然后老板就叫MsAm,这时MsAm才行动。(请到酱的员工真的吐血)当MsAm行动, 我和SYee也跟着动啦。她又“洗”我们了。叫我们拿着个,拿那个。然后,又叫我们搬一个很重的书橱,自己却袖手旁观。Apa laaa。 我和SYee突然变成了Kuli/搬货员。 多亏我不是那种很小姐的人,不然我才懒得理你。后来,搞了一个小时都搞不好。最后,MsAm就打去电话公司make report. 然后,明天要我打去吹他们,叫他们尽快来。Ok lor, 我打咯。于是,我便问了一些我不是很明白的东西,这时,她用了很不难烦的语气来回答我!!Eh, 你要我帮你做东西,你又不说明白点!我做错,你们又赖我。Yeeeeeeeeerrr! Interns 很好欺负么?

今天, 自所以我们酱累是因为MsU也叫我们搬很多,很重的folders。把那些folders 从书橱搬出来,来后又从排搬回进去。天啊!!!

不止这些, 还有很多!!


Kuli, 阿四,跑腿,搬货员,junior accountant assistant, assistant of the assistant of ACC/ HR。 RM300真係低都烂啊!

I guess this is the longest chinese post I’ve written. I spent almost 2 hours typing this post, faster clap hands! *cheers*


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Saturday, November 13, 2010

Cheap Labour Days

After being a cheap labour for 2 weeks, I realized 7 hours of sleep is insufficient for me. I reckon I should sleep before 11pm cuz I always yawn and feel sleepy in the office. I was reeeaally tired yesterday, so I went to bed around 11pm+ and I woke up at 7am this morning yet I still feel sleepy and keep yawning. Am I a pig or what? =.=”

I feel more comfortable in office now but I still feel lazy to go to work. I wanna skip work and hope for more public holidays. I long for public holidays when I’m at home, I long for lunch hour when I reach the office and I hope the time reaches 5.30pm fast after lunch hour. Speaking of lunch, I’ve been bringing my own lunch to office cuz it’s too expensive to eat there. I can’t even afford to dine in a food court, minimum price for a meal is around RM6. The price is insane! Sigh~ So, I tapao economic fried rice/meehun with curry chicken/ rendang chicken from Pasar every morning. I’ve been eating almost the same meal for days till I feel sick of having curry. Ahah! Luckily a friend of SYee treated us lunch on Thursday. It was nice having a nice meal in a fancy restaurant. Ahahah! TQ!

You know what, it is soooo true that studying is better than working. I prefer schooling cuz after school, I can rest or take a short nap then I still can watch my favourite shows before I go to bed. However, when you work, you spend half your day in your office and leave only few hours to enjoy at home, and then you gotta go to sleep. I salute anyone who can still able to cook for their children and clean the house everyday after they are back home from office cuz I feel extremely tired after working. I have no idea why am I so tired, I don’t do anything that required lotsa energy. What I do in office everyday is to call/ answer phone, fax, typing, filing and others “sap sui” works. I wonder how I would be once I step into working life next time… Ahh! I don’t even dare to think about it.
Enjoy Uni life before stepping into working life yo!

Until next time.

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Monday, November 1, 2010

Cheap Labour Day 1

Today is my first day of internship. It was very…….. boring! Ahhh! I realize that I really dislike admin job then I started questioning myself why did I study B.Admin. =.=”

My job scope is more to computer works whereas SYee’s more to paper works. I think her job scope is more interesting than mine cuz she can moves around the office. I stared at the PC for hours until I feel like sleeping. I yawned so many times and I feel reaaally paiseh.

My supervisor didn’t introduce us to the boss and other colleagues. She just introduced us to her assistance who sometimes assigns tasks tou s. Buuut, my supervisor is nice and friendly la. =) FYI, my supervisor is only 24 (so young!) and her asst is only 22 (same age!)

Lunch is expensive there. =(
No cheap chicken rice or meehun soap. =(
Parking rate makes me cry. Eat up my half month allowance. Do you wanna know how much we paid for the parking today?

RM11 per day
equivalent to 2 sets of McValue or 3 plates of chic rice

I work from Monday to Saturday. One month has 4 weeks. So, do the maths. T____________T

So, my plan is, bring lunch box everyday. Be a good intern and hope they will increase my allowance. Kekekekeke! And hopefully everyone is friendly to me and treat me nice and have the patience to teach me cuz I’m quite blur and slow in learning.

*fingers crossed*


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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

New Chi-Chiak !

Do you remember I mentioned that I’ve bought something on one of my previous posts? I even said it was an impulsive buy. Guess what I bought? Heh heh heh !!

It’s a camera!!
To be specific, it’s a LX5!!! Ohohohoh!!!!

I wasn’t planning to get the LX5 actually. Initially I wanted to buy the LX3, because LX5 is more expensive cuz it’s more advanced and it’s new! I’ve been doing research on which camera to buy since last year. I was wondering whether to buy a cute/ slim compact digital camera (colourful sony/ canon) or a boring looking compact camera with a little SLR performance.

Then I decided to get a compact camera with SLR performance since the price is not much different with those nice looking cameras plus the picture quality is way better than them. So I started doing research, then I was comparing the LX3 with the S90 and finally, I chose the LX3.

So weeks ago, I went to get it with my sister. My sis asked for the price of LX5, and after discount, it is only slightly expensive than the LX3. So, I changed my mind and decided to buy LX5 instead of LX3. *a little sumtung, cuz I spent my own $$$$* T___T And I chose black instead of white cuz I think the black is cooler than white. =.=”

At first, I was really frustrated cuz I was really confused with the functions. And that’s way I said “it was an impulsive buy” on the previous post. So I went google all the terms and functions. Now, I love it so much!! How can you not love it! Although it’s heavier and bigger but the image and video quality is superb! Haha! I still dunno how to use some of the functions and I haven't shot any outdoor pictures yet. Baby Yin, faster come back and teach me! Hahaha!!


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Sunday, October 24, 2010

Imma Cheap Labour

My final exams finally ended yesterday! I can finally watch my favourite movies and drama series!! Yaaayy!! And guess what!? I finally got a job offer from some interior design company!!! Although interior design is not my field, but who cares! At least I don’t have to worry that I couldn’t find any job for my internship. As long as people are willing to hire me and gimme a chance to learn and gain experience. Hahaha!!!

On Thursday night, I heard my phone rang when I was halfway through my dinner. So I ran quickly to my room and answered it. It was a young woman who called, and she sounded like only few years older than me. She said she is calling from BlaBla company, told me that they received a mail from my coll regarding my internship. Then she said her company is offering me an internship position there and she will call me to go sign the job offer letter when it’s ready. Which means that, I don’t have to go through any interview for the job. Haha! And throughout our conversation, I kept asking her to repeat the company’s name cuz she said it too fast and I couldn’t get it.

And coincidentally, S.Yee got the job offer from the same company as well. So both us went to the office today which is located in Hartamas. we departed one hour early, cuz we are not familiar with the place. We were punctual (of course laa!) and reached the office at 10 mins before the appointment. The office is not big but the environment is not bad laa. The young woman came and greeted us then brought us to a meeting room to briefly tell us about our position before signing the job letter. She was very nice and friendly, and I hope everyone who works there are friendly too. *fingers crossed*

Once she handed me the job offer letter, the first thing I check was not my name nor my IC, it was the allowance! Haahahaha!! And guess how much they are offering us?

Jeng Jeng Jeng !!

I was like………………. Wudda…… really disappointed laaa. My dad told me that I should have negotiated a higher allowance, but how? I'm just an intern who has no working experience. I was hoping that she would offer us at least RM400, since we are coming from Puchong. T__T She said, if our performance is good, she will pay extra but I doubt that lor. Define good performance…. Sigh. And I think if she really means it, the maximum she can give is only RM350. *Hopefully I'm wrong*

The briefing was fast and we left after we signed the offer letter, we stayed less than 30 mins. Although the environment is good but parking rate is very expensive! RM2.50 for the 1st hour and RM2 for every subsequent hours! S.Yee and I are now deciding where to park the car. Plus, the food is expensive too, there are no econ rice or RM4 meehoon soup, all I saw were cafes and fancy restaurants. So tell me, how to survive with only RM300 allowance per month! I think I’m gonna bring bread and sandwiches for lunch, eat in the office alone, help them to jaga office, to become a good “performer” so they will pay me extra. T___T

My friends' internship allowance is RM500! Y.Wen even laughed at me, she said I'm cheaper than foreign workers. Imma cheap labour, cannot meh. *crying pathetically* But hey, they are some interns only receiving RM200 as their allowance. So should I consider myself lucky?

Maybe I’m not so “cheap” after all. Hah!


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Monday, October 18, 2010

Sunny Days

Why is the weather so effing hot recently?!
KL is 32'C today. Ahhhh!

I went to my ortho treatment yesterday and I almost dozed off during the treatment cuz the room temperature was so cool, so nice to sleep in. However, when I left the clinic, right after I stepped out of it… … the cooling feeling disappeared immediately. It was like I just stepped into another world, like I just teleported myself to the Sahara desert. It was reeeaaaly hot outside. T_____T

I didn’t want my mom to come and pick me, so I took bus home. Walking under the baking hot sun had lengthened the journey. It was like waking in a desert, I was so thirsty but I didn’t stop to drink cuz I was afraid if I stopped I might miss the bus. Btw, I think I walk faster than I run, fancy a walking challenge with me? ahhaha! When I reached the bus stop, I saw a girl with layers of makeup on her face, I think her makeup was melting cuz I was sweating like a pig there. Never apply thick makeup when the weather is hot, especially when you’re standing under a hot sun.

When I reached my bus stop, I thought I could take a shortcut to walk home. However, there was a group or samseng blocking that way, so I had no choice but to take the longer route. Luckily I was wearing a cap and carried an umbrella, but still……. HOT laaa! I sweat like nobody’s business. T___T

I hate hot whether laaa cuz it makes me grumpy and I feel sweaty and sticky all the time. I sweat after shower, my hands and feet sweat when I’m studying. And the worst thing about hot weather is, it gives me headache!! I can’t concentrate/ focus when I have a headache! My final exams are next Wed and Fri. How to study with a headache laa! So, drink more water guys!!!

Where the hell are you?!!!

Oh, something random, I saw two Bentley (!!), a black Hummer (!!!) and a Harley Davidson just now. Sooo pretty! O.O


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Sunday, October 10, 2010

I'm Here to Destress

I got what I've been longing for, but somehow, I'm not happy.
I was happy but the feelings didn't last long.

I think it was an impulsive buy...
I dunno, I'm not sure.
*chapalang feelings*
I'm feeling kinda regret now, but I hope it's just temporary.
Maybe I need TIME to explore it.

Ahhh! I feel so stressed right now.
The clock is ticking, time is passing..
Finals is just a week away!
Tests and Assignments are on the way!
Internship has gone nowhere!


Too many, too many important things to do.
TIME is what I need right now!


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Thursday, October 7, 2010

To Thank or To Curse

After few weeks of attending B.Maths lectures and tutorials, I find this class is very entertaining. The lecturer is Mr Hxlim, who speaks English with British accent, but I think he is just some wannabe. He is not the one who is being funny, but he is the factor of making the class entertaining for me. The way he teaches and his attitude… make us, students get mad at him. Ahha! I don’t hate him but I don’t like him either. However, sometimes he really pissed me with his I’m-busy-with-other-things excuse for not uploading the notes before each lecture.

I find this class very entertaining cuz most of the time, many students (including myself) don’t get what he delivers in class. So, you can see the students complaining to their friends and their frustrated faces. And few of them who are daring enough to voice out, will ask lecturer in a very angry tone or manner. Ahhaha! It’s really fun watching them you know, very amusing lorr! And I think the lecturer enjoys watching this too, cuz I always see him smirks whenever the whole class is frustrated.

The class is always noisy, not a chatter-type noise, is frustrated noise because students can’t understand the lesson. But today was extra noisy, cuz everyone wasn’t pleased with the no. of questions that are coming out in the final exam. According to the lecturer, there will be 7 questions and we need to answer all in three hours and it will be a lot harder than our midterm test. Right after he announced that, everyone started to make noise, and some of them even negotiated with lecturer. Suddenly, a guy shouted “How about the supplementary paper?” Then the whole class started to laugh. It was really funny if you were in the class, he really cracked us up with his question. When people were worrying and planning to pass the paper, this guy is already given up and planning to sit for supplementary test. Hahaha!

And he also told us that there will be two more assignments and tests before the final exam! Mr Hxlim really FOL man. Sigh! He just love making our short semester life miserable. But on the brighter side, this will force me to study and do more exercises before final exams. So should I thank him instead of cursing him? Hah!

Well, that’s all for today.
It's time to digest what he taught in class today and try to complete his assignment, which dues on this Saturday.


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Sunday, October 3, 2010

Hello October !

Ohohoh! I had received my netbook on Friday morning! I finally got it after waiting for more than 2 weeks! Yay Yay!!! I can’t wait to show off to my friends especially those who got it before me. *Childish Yen* Bwahahha!! (apa laaa)

Tadaaa!! Say hi to Hippiee!

Although the performance is not as good as my lappie but I love the size cuz it’s so handy and lighter than my lappie. I don’t have to bring my heavy lappie to college anymore!

Lappie and Hippie!

I haven’t got the time to play with Hippie. I was only able to spend a few hours downloading & installing programs and transferring some data from my hard disc on Friday, and till now, I still don’t have the free time to explore it and there is still something I need to set up! Ahhh!! I miss sem break laaa!!

Ok, that’s all for now. It’s just a short update to show off inform you guys that, I oso can has netbook!!! swt !!


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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Gotta Start My Assignment

I have a love-hate relationship with this September. G.Girl, Glee, The Vamp Diaries, Fringe (!!) are all my favourite series and they are back and my favourite zombie movie R.E Afterlife released on the beginning of this month! September is supposed to be fun you know, but I have tons of things to do. Blame this short semester! Grrr, ruin my mood to catch my favourite series and I haven’t even watched R.E Afterlife!! I’ve been waiting for this movie to release since last year! I was so happy when I know it will be released in September and few months ago, I even made Y.Wen to promise me to watch it with me. It’s almost end of September now, I still haven’t watched it yet!!! I guess I’m gonna wait for the BluRay version and DL it.


I had MP midterm test yesterday. It was a case study… I don’t like case study because I have a poor command of English (upset me very much) so I suck at explaining and elaborating my points. I need to brush up my English seriously. T___T

It was C.Fuh’s birthday yesterday. So after the test, S.Yee and I went to have dinner with C.Fuh and others in PJ. The place looked clean and quite cozy, the service was good, boss and staff were friendly. I think it’s a nice place to dine in, ask me if you wanna know where we went, cuz I don’t wanna help them advertise in my blog since they are not paying me. HAHAHA!! *self-fish Yen*

My chicky chop with mushroom sauce

I was a little disappointed cuz the plate looked quite empty. Get me?
Ok, what I’m trying to say is…. The portion was quite small. HAH!
However, it tasted not bad but it would be better if they add more mushroom sauce and serve more fries. Hah!

Yours truly . Stiff face

Check out my MukuBuku for more pics but I only took a few pics cuz there is something wrong with my camera batt, it can only last for 2 hours maximum. It’s time to change the batt cuz this one is already 5 years old.


This morning, I received a text from HP Logistic and asked me to call them in the afternoon. So I did what they asked and I arranged the delivery time and day for my free netbook! Yay!! I will be getting it on Friday!! Yayy!! *Jumping up and down*

Can’t wait to get my free netbook! ohoho!

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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Don't Kacau Me

Do you notice that there is something missing in my blog?
Yes, the chat box is gone!
I removed it cuz I received too many spams recently and I'm tired of logging into my Cbox account to remove them. Very troublesome, I don't like.

Anyway, I will be reeeaaaaal busy from this week onwards. I have 2 mid term exams next week, and assignments due the week after. And then, it will be my final exam week!
Ahhh!! I can feel the stress and pressure already! I don’t like these feelings at all! Sooo negative!!! (Well, this is very me!) Hah!

I need to start doing notes, finish all tutorial questions and study for exams!! Do you think it is possible for ME to finish everything in such a short period of time? And I still haven't watched R.E Afterlife!! I don't know if I have the mood for movie anymore. Ahhh! So many things to do, so little time!!

Now, all I need is a To-Do-List!


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Thursday, September 16, 2010


The title says it all, I’m feeling lazy. I don’t feel like doing anything. I feel so lazy to go out, unless if you ask me out to watch R.E After Life a.k.a my favaorite zombie movie with you. Speaking of R.E, I can’t wait to watch it!!! Y.Wen, when are we going to watch? Watch with me okay, don’t ditch me!

Anyway, back to topic. What happened to me? Why am I so lazy lately?! I can sit in front of my laptop for hours, starring at the screen without doing anything! I don’t even feel like watching any Korean series! Can you believe that!?!! It’s so weird you know cuz I always have this kinda feeling once in few months, and I don’t quite like it.

Besides, I’m so sick of dramas. Gosh, why can’t she just be understanding a bit and why can’t he just listen to her?! And why can’t both of them tolerate each other?!!! Maaannn, I’m really sick of all these!!

Sigh! I need to get rid of all these negative feelings asap!! Hello, it’s mid September now! It’s a short semester! Don’t play play cuz this is not a honeymoon sem! Gotta work harder! Ahhh!!!! Shooo Shooo Laziness!


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Sunday, September 12, 2010

I'm Bored at Home

Classes started last week and this semester is only seven weeks. I hate short semester cuz everything seems rush. Although lecturers haven’t given us any assignments yet but I can already foresee that soon, I will be buried by tons of assignment and tests and quizzes! Ahhh! Hopefully I can do better this semester!

Oh, there is something I wanna share. I have applied for the UniPack! I sent in my application on Monday and they terminated my internet access immediately! I was told that I have to wait around two weeks for the installation, so I told my cousin that they are soooo efficient when you ask them to terminate your internet access but sooooo inefficient when you ask them to fix it for you. But guess what, on Wednesday, which is just 2 days after they terminated my Streamyx, I received a called from a technician in the morning for installation! Hahah! And I was reaaaaally surprise cuz I only waited for two days instead of two weeks! Yay!!! I take back what I said to my cousin about their inefficiency. Haha! And I now can connect to the internet wireless! Ahaha!

I’m still waiting for my netbook though, I wonder when will I get it since it’s Raya now. I think most of them take a few days leaves next week. Hopefully I can get my netbook by next week! *fingers crossed*


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Thursday, September 2, 2010

End of Sem Break

Ohohoho!! Guess what? I’ve PASSED all my papers!! Yaaaaaaay!! I’m extremely happy!! Although the results seem quite bad but I don’t care! As long as I don’t have to study the same subject again and pay RM200 to re-sit, then I’m happy!!! I got 63 for my ED!!! Wooot! Unbelievable!! I think lecturer is very lenient in marking.
THANK YOU!! =) =)

Whenever I check my results, I will lost my appetite out of sudden, then my whole body started trembling and hands shaking when holding the mouse. Hahahah! I wasn’t confident at all cuz I know I did really badly in last semester. Ahh!! Luckily, all passed! Haah!

Classes begin today, it’s time to study again! End of holidays, no more rotting at home! Hope this semester will be better than the previous one! Hwaiting!!


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Thursday, August 26, 2010

Imma Happee Girl

Shopping made my day! Yay!! I went KL shopping with braces friend. This time, we were fast. 5 hours, 3 malls: From TS > SgW > Pavi. The worst part, it was drizzling when we were walking to Pavi and Pavi was far (quite) from SgW. And after we done shopping, we took bus to Kota Raya to take bus home. And from there we walked to RapidKL station. When I reached my bus station, I walked home. Hence, sweaty body with tomato face and sore legs. Ahhh~ but I’m happy cuz I’ve bought what I wanted and half of them are my birthday presents from my friends. Thanks girls! Haha!


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Saturday, August 21, 2010


Do you have any favourite names?
I remember when I was young, around 5 or 6 years old, I liked the name Wendy so much. So I started to name myself Wendy (Haha!) and I signed Wendy on my primary school library card and on my Barbie’s visor cap (Yes, I'm serious), I even named my favourite Barbie and soft toys Wendy. Hahahaha!

Then, when I was 10, I liked the name Bridgette and Emily. I thought Emily was a pretty name and Bridgette was a unique name cuz not many people have this name. And until now, I still find this name is quite rare here and the most common are Michelle and Carmen. Haha! And since then, I changed my favourite Barbie and toys’ name from Wendy to Bridgitte and Emily. Hahahah!!

When I was 13, I liked Guinevere and I still like this name now cuz I think this name is very beautiful and elegant? Hah! I dunno how to describe la, I just like it. So I named my neopet Guinevere. And of course, I changed my Barbie’s name again. Hahahaha!

And when I was in secondary school. I liked Ashley and Ashton and I prefer the spelling to be AshLEIGH instead of AshLEY. At that time, many students started to give themselves an English name. I remember I used to try finding a suitable English name for myself. I wanted to name myself Kimberleigh (I perfer leigh than ly) cuz my dad wanted to name me Kim when I was borned. But I gave up in the end cuz I think it doesn’t suit me. Lol.

So again, I changed my Barbie’s name to Guinevere Ashleigh. Hahaha! Combination of 2 favourite names of mine! (Yes, I played Barbie when I was in secondary school) I remember I even cut out small pieces of purple paper and made passport, IC, princess identity card for my Barbie. LOL!! Yes, yes, my Barbie is a princess, she is Princess Guinevere Ashleigh Edward! HAHAHAHA!! I remember I drew a small crown with a gold pen and wrote her name and details with a silver pen. Hahaha! Royalty mah! *Don’t laugh at me k, even though I’m laughing now* Now, I still like Guinevere and Ashton but no longer like Ashleigh cuz I find it quite common now. Hahaha! And I think Amanda is a pretty name. Girls who have this name are pretty. Most of them la. Agree? Okay, maybe it's just me who thinks so but you can try Google suggestion cuz most girls appear on the suggestion list are pretty.

Oh, when I was very young, my family used to call me JingleBell. Hahah! I liked that song so much till I sang everyday and one day, my dad started calling me JingleBell and everyone followed. Now, they no longer call me this anymore but I named my pendrive this name. Haha!

And recently, I guess it was…erm last year, my younger sis started calling me Emma due to some silly and funny reason which I'm not going to share, very embarrassing. The name was actually derived from a nickname given by her. Since then, she suka suka call me Emma..... Arggh!! It’s not like I don’t like this name… I think Emma is a very vintage name, very English and graceful(?) which doesn’t suit me. But she suka suka M-maaaa or Emmmm-mah! or Em-Em! =.=”

I like Guinevere and Ashton but my favourite name is no other than Y E N- my own name! Bwahahah! You just need to think of Japanese currency then you can think of my name already! YEN is easy to remember right?? Right?? I guess no….. When I spent 3 months working in a marketing department, only few of them remember my name. *crying pathetically* They remember Benny, Nicholas, Susan but not YEN! It goes like this: Benny, Susan and aaaarrr.. You, arr sorry, what’s your name again? Apa laaa I felt so left out okay. *goes to a corner and draws circle* YEN has only 3 letters and 1 syllable if compared with Nicholas which consists of 8 letters and 3 syllables! I don’t understand why people tend to remember English names better than dialect names. Why!?? T___T

Should I start to start thinking an English name that suits me before my internship so people will remember my name easily? Oh wait! My sis had already given me one, Emma!
Hmmmmm, No!! I will still introduce myself as Yen! Force them to remember me! ROAR! *Ganas*

(I update my blog quite often eh!)

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Friday, August 20, 2010

A Very Random One

The more I look at my blog’s new baju, the more geli I feel. Ahhaa! Cuz it’s so girly, so pink! This is so not me! Hahaha!


Oh, I went to MV again today! This time was to meet Ivan with C.Fen and K.Li. We watched a movie, we makan, we updated and made fun of each other. It was fun la.


I hope I can have 3 weeks semester break instead of 2 weeks. I wanna sleep until I wake up myself without hearing my alarm noise. I woke up early on Monday to study Tuesday paper. And Tuesday I had to wake up early for exam. Then Wednesday, I woke up early to meet JY. And I had ortho appointment on Thursday morning. As for today, I woke up at 10.30am but I still want more sleep. *sounds like a pig?* Ahhh! Damn tired man!!


I want my hair to grow faster!!! I’ve been wearing a cap to everywhere (almost) I go since last week, I’m so shy to walk around in mall with my square hair. So ugly laaa! T____T Ahhh!! Hair, please grow faster!!

Ok, Movie time now.
Until next time!


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Thursday, August 19, 2010


Hey yo!!
Surprise? hahah!
My blog has a new baju!! ohohoh! The background is very simple, baby pink stripes and light brown polka dots. Don't ask me why pink k... I wanted baby blue with light green actually but I like the combination of pink and brown. And if you visited my blog around 3pm, there was no pink stripes, just a baby pink background with brown polka dots and the polka dots were bigger. One hour later, I realized the background was ugly so I played with Photoshop again and changed it to this, the current background. What do you think? Do you like it? For me, I think it's a little "zok" (canto), messy... Ahhh! But I'm lazy to change it. Hahah! So, I decided to leave it liddat until I have the mood to create a new one. =P

I made 2 headers and I'm still not decided which one is better. Both designs are same but the fonts are different.

I'm currenly using the first one.
But I think the second one is cute too. hahaha!
Which one is better?


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New signature too! hahaha!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


I went MV today to meet J.Yin. I drove!!! But not to MV. Hahaha! I’m still not qualified to drive outside my housing area alone yet. I drove and parked my car near to the bus stop and then I took bus to MV. Hahaha! And I’m gonna do the same tomorrow cuz I’m taking bus to B.Puteri for my ortho appointment.

We had our lunch and drank many cups of tea yumcha at Zanmai. I enjoyed catching up with her. Baby Yin all grown up already, she is no longer baby anymore! But she is always the baby among us. Hahaha! Take care in Sg k!!

I left MV and took bus to the TM center opposite IOI to find out more details and get the application form of the CoolUniPack. If they accepted my application, they would terminate my phone line and I had to wait around one month for the technician to install for me. Means that, there would be no internet access for one month! But I would get a free netbook!

And I just found out the new Unify package is sooo attractive. RM149 per month, download up to 5mps(!!!), free calls to TM fixed lines nationwide and flat rate RM0.10 per min to others and this package comes with a DECT phone too.
Hmmm... Hmmm... I think the CoolUniPack suits me best.

So, Should I apply for the UniPack? So I can get the netbook for free although I will have to live without the internet for one month. Is it worth waiting for the netbook? I think I need a netbook cuz I hate bringing my laptop to college, it’s so heavy and inconvenient! But... but... one month without the internet access is suicidal!
Dilemme….. Hmmmm….. What do you think?


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Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Free Like a Bird !!

Ohohoh! I’m done with my final exams! ED paper was another disaster, sigh! Let’s not talk about exams anymore. Hope I pass all my exams laaa, lecturer please be lenient!

There are so many things I wanna do now!! When I was studying for my finals, I had many crazy DIY ideas. Ohhh, I just can’t wait to start! Ahhh, but I need materials!!

Two weeks semester break, I’m gonna
• watch all the Korean entertainment shows my cousin gave. She gave me around 20 shows!!
• watch the movies I downloaded (I think I have more than 10 movies to watch)
• meet my friends!!!!! I miss them !!!
• hit the mall!! Say yes to shopping!!
• finish reading the book I stopped since last year. hah!
• change my blog baju (maybeeee)
• fix my house phone line!!

Hehehe! So happy eh!
Enjoy the break to the fullest yo!!
*big grin*


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Monday, August 16, 2010

Go! Go! GO!

Ahhh!! Kan Cheong ar! Kan Cheong arrr!
I’ll have ED final exam tomorrow! But I have no mood to study laa cuz I’m too excited as after tomorrow, I’m free! Muahaha!!

But it’s ED tomorrow! ED!! Argh! My no.1 fear!!
Two questions to be done in 2 hours. Ahhh! Kan Cheong!!

I don’t hope for getting A, just gimme a pass and I will be happy.
Wish Me Luck!!


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Friday, August 13, 2010

Friday, My Favourite Weekday!

CF finals in the morning, before the exam I was really nervous. My hands were shaking when I was waiting for S.Yee outside my house. We reached college one hour early before the exam started, so we sat at our usual spot- the staircase to study but I couldn’t focus cuz I was too nervous. Hahahaha!
*I’m laughing as I’m typing this cuz now only I realize I’m really a Panic Kaki (C.Fuh gave me this name)*

I was stunned, when I flipped the exam paper open cuz I didn’t know how to do the first question. Then my hands started to shake. Hahah! I was so panic, I tried to work out many times but still couldn’t get the answer. So, I gave up and proceed to other questions. However, I managed to solve that question 30mins before the exam finish. I think I was too nervous at the beginning of the exam, I couldn’t calculate properly and I made many silly mistakes on the draft paper. Overall, I think I did badly. Sigh. I didn’t know how to do the theory questions and most calculations are related to accounting, which is another subject I hate besides physics.

After exam, I went to MV to meet my sis. I wandered in MV alone for 2 hours!! I kept walking cuz I had nowhere to go, I don’t have things to buy so I just kept walking, for 2 hours from MV to Gardens. =.=” I was so sleepy and tired cuz I’ve been burning the midnight oil to study. And I was so hungry until I felt dizzy, so I bought a tuna bun but it didn’t make me feel any better. I wanted to have McD myself but I promised my sis to have lunch with her. So, I went to Borders and found a nice spot to sit and wait and pretend that I was looking for some book. I nearly fell asleep cuz they played classical music and the environment was so comfortable and quiet to sleep. FYI, I was sitting on floor. Ahahaha!

I finally had my lunch at Pasta Zanmai ……. at 4pm (!!!!!!!) Ahhhh!!!!! I dunno why I had so much patience today, I hate waiting actually. And then, we went to Isetan and I bought nothing today except a discounted clay mask, less than 20 bux! Ohohoh!

I’m gonna relax today, it’s Friday night yo! I assume people are painting the town red now, so I should relax today and study (maybe) tomorrow. Enjoy your weekend yo!


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Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Two More to Go!

My finals started yesterday and I had my second paper today.

Yesterday paper was manageable, at least my answer sheets were not as blank as today's paper. Although I'm not sure whether the lecturer will buy my answers but at least I managed to crap. Ahh! Hope that he will mark it leniently.

Unlike today's paper. It was a disaster!! My answer sheets were kinda blank! I didn't know what to write, I had no idea about what the questions want cuz most of the questions are related to the 2 chapters I hate!

So sadddd, So worriieedd!
I wish I can pass all my final exams!!
I don't hope for As, I just wanna pass!!

The next paper is CF, on Friday.
I better go clean my desk and study CF!
(I can't focus with a messy desktop.)

I'm started to feel sleepy already.


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Monday, August 9, 2010

So Stressed laa

Finals start tomorrow !!!
Kan Cheong !!
Kan Cheong !!
So stressed laaa, I feel like crying already!!
*running around like a mad kid*

I have 3 papers this week, 1 paper on the following week.
And then, I will have my 2 weeks semester break!!
Yay!!! 2 weeks!! ohohoh!

Wish Me Luck Yo!

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Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Keroro-ize My Hair

I got my hair trimmed just now. My hair is now square and straight and I think I look weird. (I say this everytime after I cut my hair) Hmmm, maybe I’m not used to it laa. The hairdresser said I look cute. =.=” I duwanna look cute okay, I’m already 22 laaa!

I trimmed it square cuz I wanna grow my hair long. Before trimming it, the right part of my hair was around 1.5 inched longer than the left part. I couldn’t let my hair falls front to cover my ears because it was very obvious that my hair was very out of shape. So I tied it whenever I go out, and when I’m lazy, I just put it back behind my ears.

Do we look alike? I mean our hair of course, not like I have green skin and big eyes.
My cousin is so gonna tease me when she sees my hair.
Hair grows faster please, Grow!!!


Finals start next week, I’m soooo nervous. I’m supposed to wake up at 7am to study today, but I woke up 3 hours later. Sigh! Tell me how to finish 13 chaps of IB, 6 chaps of SM and also 5 chaps of CF in less than one week!! Ahhhh!! Study smart! Study smart!! Distractions go away!!! Shoo! Shooo!


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Friday, July 30, 2010

Sorcerer Wannabe

I went to MV for movie again yesterday, with H.Ying and S.Yee. H.Ying followed us to college and she waited at the library for one hour when we went to class.

Collected The Sorcerer's Apprentice movie tickets when reached MV. Then I had my lunch at McD again. Movie at MV and had McD for lunch on two consecutive days. Sweeet! I wanted to try the GCB burger but wanted to save my cash so I had the McValue lunch instead. But my wallet is still bleeding. Ouch! Oh, I had McNugget again, 2 days in a row. Haha!

The Sorcerer's Apprentice is a bit similar with The Lightning Thief. Although I think the story is quite predictable, but it is fun to watch. The movie has influenced H.Ying’s “imaginary” mind. After the movie finished, she told us that she might be the Prime Merlinian and she said she would be discovered in the same way as the movie. Hahaha!

*Warning! Spoiler ahead!*

In the movie, the Prime Merlinian (Merlin's successor) was found by a sorcerer (one of the Merlin’s 3 apprentices) when he was 10 years old. He encountered the sorcerer when he was chasing a piece of note, and the note led him to the sorcerer at a store.

And guess what, I think I got infected by H.Ying’s “virus” too! =.=” Last night before I fell asleep, I was imagining and wondering if I really am a Prime Merlinian, how would I be found? Where would I meet my master/ sorcerer? And under what circumstance? Hahaha! swt… Why am I so lame?! It’s all your fault H.Ying. Hahahaha!

The movie also states that sorcery is both maths and science which means great sorcerers are good at physics. However, my physics sucks, I never got an A for this subject during my secondary. In fact, I always fail physics cuz it’s always hard for me to understand it. Until now, I still don’t understand some of the theories and the formulas. *I sound like a blonde!* So, I think I can’t be the Prime Merlinian liao. Saaaad. One question for H.Ying, Are you good at physics? Hahahah!

On the way back home from MV, three of us started to daydreaming about our future. It’s all started by H.Ying’s “fantasy” mind. Her dream is to become a Miss Match and I think she can be a very successful matchmaker cuz so far she successfully paired up 6 persons (or is it 8? I can’t remember.) and one couple already married! So, this is my advice to you H.Ying, make your fantasy become reality, Be a Miss Match!!! Hahaha!


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Wednesday, July 28, 2010


I went to MV and watched Inception with my braces friend- Y.Wen. Inception is a really nice movie. I love the concept of dream VS reality but the ending is quite tricky. I’m gonna DL when they release the DVD. Go watch it if you haven’t watched!!


Then we went window shopping after movie. Saw many nice shirts but I was being stingy so didn’t buy any. Hahha! However, I didn’t go home empty handed, I bought Be@rbrick series 20. And I got a Basic one!! I unboxed it once I stepped out of ActionCity. I was so disappointed when I saw a Basic one inside the plastic. I was hoping to get a JellyBean cuz this time the JellyBean is very colourful!!! I kept complaining to Y.Wen. Haha! However, when I took it out from the transparent plastic bag, I saw a small gear on its back, I tried to push it and the legs started to move!! This Basic bear can moves its legs!!! How cool is that!

See that little gear?
I love it sooo much! I feel like getting one more, I want JellyBean! But it’s not cheap. T___T

My next target

Too cute to resist laaa.
Why am I spending so much on toys? O.O


I saw a new white LxndRxver Discovery 4 when I was walking to MV from the bus stop!! New LR Discovery 4 in white!! It was sooooo pretty!!! Then I saw a black Rxnge Rxver on the movie. But it’s very common to see RR on movie, especially action movies. And when I was walking from MV to bus stop, I saw a black Hummxr!! OMG HUMMxR!!! Next, I saw a white LR Freelander when I was walking to my house from the bus stop. Lucky day eh! Ahaha! You know my dream car is not a Ferrxri or a Porschx or a Lumbxrghini or a BxW. My dream car is a Hummxr or a RRover or a LRover!! Haha! But I don’t mind if I got a BMW for free. Haha!


Yesterday, sis came back from school and picked up a small parcel from the mailbox. My mom called me from downstairs and said my US friend sent me something. P.Yan really surprised me lor! Hahah! I didn’t expect she would send something for me and P.Ling from US cuz she told me that the US postage fee increased. Such a good liar! Ahahah! Thank you BFF!!

DIY cards and a necklace.
Thank you Yannie!!

Final exams are around the corner, I guess I need to start preparing!!
Kan cheong arr!


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