Monday, May 3, 2010

Hello, May

It’s May… means holiday ended, classes begin today. I wish I had one more week of break, because, one week is not enough, two weeks are just nice, three weeks are too much.

My timetable for this semester is not that bad, most of my classes start in the afternoon and finish before 4pm and I don’t have any classes on Wednesday! So, please date me for movies! Hahah! Hopefully the management will not change the timetable again.

Final exams results released today! I’ve checked mine, I got two B+, one A and two A+, I passed all my papers!! Wheeeeee~ I thought I would fail MS paper, never expected to get an A+!! I’m really, really, surprise! Hopefully lecturer didn’t make any mistakes when marking my paper.

I’m feeling dizzy again, due to the hot weather. So, drink more water guys!!


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Li Li said...

wao,not bad ma..u should thx me!! i curse u liddat ><

YEN said...

wahlao! i think ur da first who read this post. i updated few mins ago!

Thanks!! ahahah!


I'm not surprise with ur MS result. cz u always worried too much.. LOL.

YEN said...

eh, both of u bloggin now izzit. u gals so updated cuz this post is still "fresh" hahaha.

thanks sy!